재단법인 한국동물보호협회
  • 홈

Korean Animals Protection Society’s 2019 Calendar


Our 2019 KAPS calendar is now available for purchase!


Meet our furry animal shelter friends with our 2019 12-month calendar.

Our shelter is home to 140 animals and we just wanted to tell them all “You can be in our calendar… and you too!’ But were inundated with photos and had to eliminate many potential candidates.

We will endeavour to introduce you to all our shelter animals through our website (www.koreananimals.or.kr) and Facebook page (@KAPSAnimals).


Therefore, through a strict selection criterion, we have selected and decorated our calendar with the images of 6 our dogs and 6 our cats.


Please view the calendar layout below.



 If you live in Korea (international sales are not possible) and wish to purchase our calendar, send an email to kapsanimal@naver.com with the below information.



Phone no.:

Receiving address:

Calendar type: (table calendar, wall calendar)

Quantity:         (10 000 each, multiple purchases possible)




Electronic transfer to:

Nonghyup Bank (농협): 725-01-107240

Receiving account name: 한국동물보호협회


Please, confirm the depositing quantity before sending.


All profits go towards animal welfare activities, animal rescue and running our animal shelters.

For any queries on our calendars, call 053 622-3588 (weekdays 2 - 5PM)

Or email us at kapsanimal@naver.com


Thank you *^^*




*Click images to enlarge.


2019카렌다(벽걸이)-1.jpg  2019카렌다(벽걸이)-2.jpg

   2019카렌다(벽걸이)-4.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-5.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-6.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-7.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-8.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-9.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-10.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-11.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-12.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-13.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-14.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-15.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-16.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-17.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-18.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-19.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-20.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-21.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-22.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-23.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-24.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-25.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-26.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-27.jpg 2019카렌다(벽걸이)-28.jpg2019카렌다(벽걸이)-3.jpg

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
4 KAPS 2020 Calendar - Available Now file 2018-12-05 10627
» KAPS 2019 Calendar - Available Now file 2018-12-05 8010
2 Guest Lecture @ Ewha Womens University file 2018-09-17 7305
1 2018 March Revisions to Animal Welfare Laws 2018-11-27 7313