재단법인 한국동물보호협회
  • 홈
William was a big part of life at KAPS for 11 years of his life. Brought in as a puppy he lived there all of his life, first in the Shih Tzu room in the old shelter and later in the yard in our new place. He was adored by many Korean and foreign volunteers for his love of playing ball. Whenever there was a person wandering around without a job to do William would be sure to make use of them by dropping the ball at their feet and looking up expectantly. 

윌리엄은 11년간을 보호소에서 지냈습니다. 예전의 4층 사무실 시츄방과 이사한 보호소의 마당에서 모든 생을 보냈지요. 윌리엄은 많은 봉사자들과 공놀이를 하며 예쁨을 받았습니다. 윌리엄은 마당에서 방황하던 봉사자들이 있을 때마다 봉사자들 곁으로가서 공을 던지도록 만들었을거예요. 

Even in his aging years picking up the ball would turn him into an energy filled pup again. Many volunteers were surprised nobody had adopted him. Some even started to make special trips to the shelter just to spend time with him.

방울이는 나이가 많았지만 공놀이는 방울이를 강아지시절의 에너지로 가득찬 상태로 만들었을것입니다. 봉사자들은 아무도 방울이를 입양하지 않았다는 것에 의아했습니다. 몇몇은 특별 산책을 하며 시간을 보내기도 했습니다. 

Meghann was one such volunteer. She spent lots of time in KAPS hanging out, walking and playing with William and even more time online trying to boost his profile so someone could adopt him. William seems to have spent this time wisely, convincing Meghann that actually she was the one for him.

Meghann은 그런 봉사자였습니다. 방울이와 함께 많은 시간을 보내고 산책과 놀이를 통해 입양프로필을 계속 업데이트했지요. 방울이는 메간을 지혜롭게 설득하여 시간을 보내는 것 같았습니다. 

When William Chaucer first moved in with Meghann and Steve back in April 2013 he had a little trouble getting used to the quieter environment. 

2013년 4월 윌리엄이 처음 메간과 스티브의 집에 갔을 때 보호소에서 보다 갑자기 조용해진 환경때문에 약간의 문제가 있었습니다. 

Meghann said:
'We're working on him not whining/barking and getting rid of his separation anxiety. Soon we'll move on to potty training and basic commands, and getting along with the cat.'

우리는 먼저 방울이가 낑낑거리거나 짖거나 분리불안에 시달리지 않도록 신경썼고, 곧 화장실 훈련과 기본훈련, 고양이와 함께 지내는 훈련으로 넘어갔습니다. 

There was also some health issues he had to deal with:
'He needs to have major surgery on his ACL and a major tooth scaling. I suspect his teeth have been hurting him a lot/ are rotten through.'

약간의 건강문제도 있었습니다. 
방울이는 ACL에 대한 수술과 이빨스케일링을 받아야했습니다. 매우 상한 이빨들이 방울이를 많이 괴롭혔으리라 짐작했습니다. 

She was surprised to find:
' He's different, in a good way, from the dog I knew at the shelter. Still, every day I'm surprised that he lived there so long -he's a poster pup for what many potential adopters could find if they gave a dog a chance. (And seek help in training from the beginning!)'

그녀가 발견한 놀라운 점: 
방울이는 내가 알던 다른 보호소 개들과 달랐습니다. 여전히 방울이가 보호소에서 입양되지 않고 그렇게 오래살았다는 것에 놀라고 있습니다. 방울이는 기회만 있으면 입양자를 찾을 수 있다는 것을 보여준 대표적인 사례라고 할 수 있습니다. 

A vet visit later and they were much clearer on his health situation:
'He has a bacterial skin infection, had most of his teeth removed and scaled (he has 3 left) and had his ACL (ligament) re-knit. The vet says it had a small scar on it, so he'll be able to put weight on it, but sometimes it'll still hurt him.'

수의사의 방문과 더 명확해진 건강상태 : 
방울이는 세균성 피부병이 있었고 발치, 스케일링, ACL치료를 받았습니다. 수의사는 약간의 통증이 생길 수 있지만, 체중을 견딜 수 있을 것입니다. 가끔은 통증이 찾아올 수 있습니다. 라고 말했습니다. 

Meghann also has a pet cat called Bernie so it was important to get them both used to each other: 
'He and the cat are getting along for the most part, but Bernie cat is taking to him much faster than I thought she would!'
Once all William's surgery was done and he started to recover Meghann began working on all his training.

메간은 이미 고양이 '버니'와 함께 살고있었기 때문에 둘이 잘 어울리는 지도 중요했습니다. 
방울이와 버니는 잘 어울리고 있었지만 버니가 생각보다 그를 더 빠르게 받아주었습니다. 
윌리엄의 수술이 잘 되고 회복을 시작했을 때 메간은 훈련을 시작했습니다. 

'He's been a great dog! He's extremely motivated by hot dogs, his new squeaky banana toy, comfort, and praise. As soon as I started praising him lavishly for going to the bathroom on newspaper, he quickly became a pro and almost never misses. When he does, it's only a few inches off the mark.

방울이는 훌륭한 개가 되었어요! 핫도그, 새로운 찍찍이 바나나 장난감, 편안함, 칭찬에 의해 완전히 동기부여되었습니다. 신문지 화장실에 가곧 나는 그를 아낌없이 칭찬했고, 그는 프로가 되었고 거의 실수가 없었습니다. 정해진 장소에서 아주 약간 떨어진 장소에서 배변을 하기는 했습니다. 

He's slowly improving on "sit" (quick on the draw when hot dogs are involved - not so quick without them!), and today we started working on "stay" (starting to get it!).
He's also self-crate training, thanks to the 3 blankets I moved in there. Now I wake up to his little face hanging out of the crate, so he can see me better.

그는 천천히 향상되었습니다. "앉아"  (

His separation anxiety has gotten a lot better, though he still does it. Not as bad as when he first got here, though!
The cat is continuing to push things forward with their relationship (on her own), which has mixed results.
All in all, he's a very loving dog, and he's doing a great job of taking his medicine and being loved on. Right now he's sitting on his blanket next to me, very happily getting pet in between typing. 

I think it's so important that people consider the dog's personality, not just his age or his looks. This pup is a great family pet, and would have been perfect for everything from a family with 1 person to a family with kids. It's hard to believe that so many people passed him up!'

Not more than a couple of months later and William and the cat have become fast friends: 
'He plays with the cat, the cat's toys, etc. She tries to wrestle with him. It's really funny when they chase each other, too.' 
William is also becoming a local celebrity:

'He's extremely popular with just about everybody, and is a great doggy ambassador, especially to kids afraid of dogs. One little boy had a very long conversation with him (no idea what it was about), and he was so patient, letting the little boy pet him and touch his tail and touch his ears. (Don't worry, I watched the entire time, and made sure to tell the little boy when it was time for Chaucer to "sleep," so Chaucer could be left alone. Some of the restaurant owners that know us even let us bring him in with us. I've also learned the Korean word for "cute," because teenage girls practically scream it and faint whenever he walks by. Kind of feel like I'm walking Elvis sometimes.'

He is totally settled in at home now too:
'I keep his toys in the bottom shelf of a bookshelf, and he'll often go in there to get the one he wants to play with. It's really cute. Only having 3 teeth has yet to stop him from gumming his Nylabone, squeaky toy, or the cat's toy to death. Also, Bernie Cat and Chaucer Pup like to play with "bell balls" - the cat toys that make lots of noise as they roll. They bat it to one another and take turns chasing it. 

He's extremely cute. He's often very playful right after I come home. He runs over, wags his tail, and sits shortly after I come through the door. I won't acknowledge him until he's calmed down, but I think it's the cutest thing that he sits on his own for that. I throw a toy for him, he grabs it and runs, and I chase him around my tiny apartment. Then I take the toy and throw it again. I swear, when he runs around, it takes 5 years off of him. He looks (and acts!) like a younger dog. 

Last bit, his leg has healed up. It's all better, but it's taking Chaucer a while to accept the fact it DOESN'T hurt him.
For the most part, I think he's pretty happy with us - excepting the times the cat tries to groom him. 

p.s. I would like to add that he brings a lot of joy into our lives. All of our furry darlings do. It's getting so I can't really imagine life without any of them. '
All of the volunteers who have spent time with William miss his funny face in the yard. But knowing that he is living happily and safely with a warm bed, a new cat friend and some loving owners makes it all worthwhile. Best of luck to William Chaucer, Meghann, Steve and Bernie Cat.

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27 test 관리자 2014-11-29 1277
26 진저와 보리, 그리고 입양자의 나쁜 소식. 김귀란 2014-04-29 2011
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