재단법인 한국동물보호협회
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i need some help!!!!!
by 박연준 (*.145.232.48)
read 11070 vote 2 2007.04.13 (10:38:06)

hello. there,,,,
i  need some  help  around  my house's   dogs...

pepole were  eating out side( make  a  big  pan) AND  KILLING  A  DOG ALL  THE  TIME,,,,
  changing another  newdog and , they  will   kill  dogs  again,
over  &  over...
i checked everyday  for  dog  safe,,,,but,,,,there  is  nothing  what  i  can do,,,,,

near  by  my house , they have some  dog,,,,however,

they' re  so sad situation  or   bad enviroment,,,,

so  i want to  do   something help.....

and  i   wonder if  i  say   that   i  need  some  rescue  from  kaps,

is this  possible  to  help  or  what  could  you  do  actually???

please reply  to  me,,,,,,

and  i  hopefully  the  dogs  save as  soon  as  possible,

thank  you  for  your reading  
such  a  long  write.........

best  regards,,,,

p.s  i  will  retun back  to  my  home  town(japan)  on  this  august.

so  i  want  to help  them  before  i  go,,,,,,,,

thank  you.


2007.04.13 (12:05:06)

Thank you for your attention to animal protection.
It is true that so many miserable maltreatment against dogs including killing happen in Korea. We want to save all animals in those situations.
Unfortunately, it is impossible for KAPS to rescue all those suffering animals. Please understand our situation.

2007.04.13 (12:44:15)

thank you for your quick reply,,,,,
i understand your situation at all.,
thank you for your listen to my voice and i hope any animals in korea will living a safe and happier,,,,,,( _ _)and besides, even i am coming back to japan, i will some support for KAPS as member,,,
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