재단법인 한국동물보호협회
노대통령 만찬에 개고기 빠졌다" 英 일간지 비아냥

[굿데이] 2004-12-02 18:59
영국의 유력 일간지 <텔레그라프>가 노무현 대통령과 한국을 비하하는 기사를 실어 논란이 일고 있다.

<텔레그라프>는 2일자 기사에서 영국을 국빈 방문중인 노대통령과 영국 여왕과의 만찬 소식을 전하면서 "만찬 메뉴에 개고기가 빠졌다"며 "아마도 버킹검궁 내에 있는 코기견(犬)들이 놀라지 않도록 하기 위한 배려였을 것"이라고 보도했다.

이와 같은 <텔레그라프>의 보도는 국빈 방문한 외국 정상에 대한 예의에 크게 어긋나는 것이어서 논란이 되고 있다.

<텔레그라프>는 인지세 제도가 폐지된 뒤 1855년 창간된 뒤 약 200년간 영국의 정통 일간지로 명성을 쌓아왔다.

다음은 <텔레그라프>에 실린 기사 전문이다.

▷ Flags out for Korean president

By Caroline Davies
(Filed: 02/12/2004)

The Taegeukgi - the South Korean flag representing the cosmic forces of the yin and the yang - flew from flagposts along the Mall yesterday in honour of the first state visit to Britain of a South Korean president.

President Roh Moo-hyun and his wife were accorded a full ceremonial welcome on London's Horse Guards Parade, where they were greeted by the Queen and Tony Blair.

Mr Roh's two-day visit is aimed at improving trade relations and political

co-operation. Last night the Queen hosted a state banquet in his honour. The first course of pheasant consomme with tortellini may have evoked some memories for Prince Philip, who nodded off over the soup course during the Queen's 1999 visit to South Korea.

Unsurprisingly, the Korean dish of dog was not on the menu - which was probably a relief to the Palace corgis. Indeed, the menu appeared devoid of Asian influence, featuring sole with salmon mousse and prawns, followed by loin of venison with artichokes, mushrooms and truffles served alongside cocotte potatoes, French beans and braised red cabbage.

The Queen, in her speech, told guests: "At the start of my own reign, the Korean War was still being fought. We remember all those who died during that terrible conflict, which ended with the division of the Korean peninsula.

"Sadly, more than 50 years on, the peninsula remains divided, generations of families remain separated, and lasting peace remains elusive.''
이상준 기자 sjtough@hot.co.kr

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