재단법인 한국동물보호협회
read 8114 vote 0 2019.07.09 (04:15:56)


Ddol-ddol, Geum-gang, and Yang-yang are currently kitty roommates in the “Blue Room” at KAPS (Korean Animal Protection Society).


▲ “Geum-gang” and “Ddol-ddol” in the blue room.


▲ Ddol-ddol.

This is the story of Ddol-ddol, and how he came to KAPS in mid- May 2018.

Ms Seon-hwa, a resident of Dong-gu Daegu,  found a cat staying in the parking lot  of her apartment complex- four floors underground!

Any time she came home, he would cry to her. Maybe he’s saying, "I'm hungry, give me something to eat,“ she thought.
The cat looked weak and uncared for, and she knew she couldn’t leave him.
She started feeding him every night because she felt so bad for him.

She thought it was strange that he was so far under ground.
“Is this cat staying here because he can't get out?“ she wondered.

Ms. Seon-hwa tried to take the cat out of the parking structure many times, but because he was an alley cat who wasn’t used to humans, he ran away before she could help him.
She was determined to help him, so she borrowed 'a cat trap' and successfully brought him to the ground floor.

“Now you are free. Take care of yourself!'

She felt happy after her success. But one week later, he was back in the underground parking structure, waiting for food.

She realized he was able to get to the ground floor, but chose to live underground.

Unwillingly, she began to feed him again every night.

Soon, complaints were filed by the director of apartment management and residents about the alley cat in the parking structure. Ms Seon-hwa worried that someone would take the cat away but not care for him, so she called KAPS for help.

Unfortunately, Kaps is always filled to capacity with stray cats, and the summer of 2018 was no exception. In spite of being full, KAPS knew they needed to help the poor street cat, who was about to be evicted by apartment management. With the help of apartment staff, the cat was caught and brought to KAPS on August 22, 2018.



Contrary to initail belief, Ddol-ddol was not a 'complete' alley cat. He acted like a cat who had been around humans when he was young and was later released to live on the streets. He had become wary of people, like an alley cat, but he seemed to remember how to interact with people also.

Volunteer staff thought, “Oh... Did someone leave you in that apartment? Maybe you’ve stayed in the fourth floor basement because you were craving the warm, safe feeling of your old home.”
In the three months he had lived in the underground parking structure, no owner stepped up to claim him.  

Seon-hwa named the cat ‘Ddol-ddol’ (“smart” in Korean) because he came down to the underground parking lot and recognized the person who could save him.

Ddol-ddol became part of the KAPS shelter family after being rescued by Seon-hwa.


▲Ddol-ddol hid under a blanket for two or three days after arriving at a shelter.


▲ After one week, Ddol-ddol began to adjust, eating cat food and becoming close to other cats. (The cat next to Ddol-ddol is Gyeong-buk, who has been adopted!)

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▲A month after coming to the shelter.


▲He was still very wary.

In the first few months of being in the shelter, Ddol-ddol continued to be very wary of people. Any time someone tried to pet him, he would run away.
Although Ddol-ddol was scared, he was never aggressive. He didn’t allow people near.

After being handled carefully, Ddol-ddol has remembered that he can trust people.

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▲After 10 minutes of effort, Ddol- ddol was camera ready. He’s in “house-cat” mode now.

As of July 2019, it's been 11 months since Ddol-ddol came to KAPS.
Now, he has partially come out of his shell and is now “half house cat”. He no longer hides from volunteers, and allows some people to pet him.
Of course the change is not complete yet. When he gets insect repellent or when staff clean his ears, his fiery alley cat mode reappears!

In the hot summer months, Ddol-ddol is evolving into a shelter pack leader.


▲What are you looking at?


▲Ddol-ddol who is not interested in the toys that the volunteer gave him. He says, “I don't care about this!”


▲ Ddol-ddol lies on a cool tile floor with his feet stretched out.

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▲Sometime he likes watching outside the outside world go by.

Ddol-ddol likes his new home at the shelter. He hasn’t tried to escape once!

Ddol-ddol was so mild compared to other alley cats.


▲"Oops! I am a little camera-shy."


▲So we took a picture from a distance using the camera zoom function.


 ▲Ddol-ddol, Geum-gang, Yang-yang on the CCTV camera.

Today, three brothers in the blue room are enjoying a peaceful afternoon nap.

Ddol-ddol, We hope you live happily ever after!

PS. Thanks to Da-jung and Shaeli for their wonderful translation to english 

제목 날짜

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