재단법인 한국동물보호협회

5 months before leaving for America, Michael contacted KAPS to request a last visit. Michael, his son Ian and adopted Bang (formerly Bang Ool) wanted to say farewell to Bang’s former shelter.  


We thought we were going to greet and have a chat with Bang… He clearly had other ideas…


Bang was rather busy running here and there, spraying his scent.


He lifted his leg and… watered the daisies so many times we became concerned he was committing the same act at home! Michael quelled our fears and let us know that he had not once peed inside the house. It seems returning to the shelter raised some old memories for Bang.






The previous Bang often pushed and shoved other dogs and created ruckuses. This new Bang did not commit the same behaviours. Bang played with his old shelter mates and ran back and forth but occasionally ran back to Ian, checked how Ian was doing and then returned to playing.


Though some of Bang’s old behavioural habits were featuring, he maintained a calm and relaxed attitude. No need to ask, we knew he was living a very happy life with a loving family.

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Bang and his family have now migrated to America and we wish them health and happiness.

제목 날짜 조회 수

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Bang – Now an American citizen file

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우리집 바니입니다~~*^^* file

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2004년도 입양한 골뎅이 금봉이소식 전합니다... file 1

  • 2011-05-01
  • 조회 수 29649

안녕하세요.. 2004년 12월 8일 골든레트리버 금봉이를 입양했던 입양자입니다. 오래동안 소식 전해드리지 못해 죄송합니다... 그동안 살았던 대구를 떠나 멀고 먼 경기도 시흥에서 새로운 샹활을 시작했 던 금봉이도 지금은 나와...
