재단법인 한국동물보호협회
read 10589 vote 0 2019.05.31 (17:47:37)

노란방 친구들은 모두 야생이랍니다ㅎㅎ
그런데도 장난감을 보면 이렇게 발랄해요~
흐뭇한 이 모습 함께 봐요!
봉사자 Y.J님께서 놀아주셨습니다^^

노란방 친구들중 '당근', ' 다시마', '후추', '소금'의 구조 스토리는 이곳에서 읽어주세요

☞  http://www.koreananimals.or.kr/231595

This is Yellow room in the KAPS shelter that feral cats stay.
They are not very friendly to human and don't allow people to touch them.
But they LOVE to play toys( they are the CATs anyway)
This is the video of them playing for 1 and half minutes.

Let's watch~

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