재단법인 한국동물보호협회
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2018 July 19, KAPS director Jongha Choi spoke to Ewha Womens University students about animal rights and street cats over a 2.5 hour lecture. 

Location: Ewha Womens University, POSCO Building





Lecture Contents

Animal Care

■ Caring for street cats

■ Fresh feed and and water provision

■ Applying vermin repellent around feed

Street cats and Trap Neuter Release (TNR)

 Pregnant feral cats and TNR

■ Rescuing street cats

■ Government contracted animal shelters and their role

 Seoul-based animal welfare foundations with animal shelters

■ Precautions to take when caring for injured street cats

 Socialising your rescued feral cat

 Nursing newborn kittens

■ Telling kitten age

Animal rights


 KAPS stance on live animal trade

 2018 May amendments to animal welfare laws

■ KAPS stance on cat and dog meat consumption

 How helping the weak and helping animals affects our society, and for the better.

■ Cat disease: gum disease

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
4 KAPS 2020 Calendar - Available Now file 2018-12-05 10626
3 KAPS 2019 Calendar - Available Now file 2018-12-05 8010
» Guest Lecture @ Ewha Womens University file 2018-09-17 7304
1 2018 March Revisions to Animal Welfare Laws 2018-11-27 7313